The Big Race is Almost Here

My family and I spent most of our life in New England. My husband was given the chance to move across the country for work and make a lot more money than he was making before. We decided that we would move to Indiana and live close to the race track where they have the Indy 500 since we liked the area so much and my husband likes to watch the car races year round. We decided that the ADT in Indianapolis would be the first place to call because it seemed like a good place to get started.

We did not know how busy the track got that one time a year and it was really shocking to see how many people came into camp well ahead of the day of the big race. There were a lot of people who said that they left the area the week up to the race and rented out their houses.

I did not want to rent out my house to people that I did not know because I just moved there, and I loved my new home. I did think that it would be a good idea to get a home security system due to the amount of out of town people that come into the city just for the race. Not only do they come into the track, but they also go to local bars and hotels and spend their money.

I knew that it would be smart for us to offer water on the side of the road for sale for a dollar during the traffic jam when the people were leaving after the race. We ended up making a lot of money the first year that we lived next to the track and I am so glad that we moved to the area.